Monday 20 June 2016

Let's dance!

I'm feeling pretty good right now. Since I had to be up at the crack of Sparrow Fart this morning to get my son to the coach for his Isle of Wight trip, I decided to get some extra crochet time in. And hey, hey, hey - Check it out!!

That there is a pile of sixteen octagonal panels. All finished. I'm really pleased about this because the octagons make up the bulk of the blanket. From here on in, progress will speed up dramatically, and I'm pretty sure I'll actually finish it in time for the wedding (next week!!). Course, I still have all those ends to sew in, for both blankets, but I don't mind doing that in the hotel room the night before, if it comes to it.

My plan is to finish this blanket before Saturday, when I can hopefully start adjusting my son's tie for the wedding. He's going to be a page boy, but the tie to match all the Groomsmen was only available in adult size, so I need to resize it. That's going to be fun - I've never adjusted a tie before!!

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