Thursday 26 May 2016

Superhero blankets

I am always on the look out for crochet gifts that I can make for my friends. I have a to-do list that is about a mile long... Ok, maybe not a mile long, but certainly several years long! Every time I find I new pattern, I save it while in the back of my mind I am making a mental note of who the pattern would be perfect for. And I'm sure I'm not the only one!

So when I accidentally stumbled across My Victoria Rose, and the selection of gorgeous blankets on their site, I fell in love. The selection of superhero blankets on the store page are just so gorgeous. The colours are vibrant, the contrast is amazing, and the use of different stitches produces what look like simply sumptuous blankets. And I know so many people that would love the blankets on this website. I could buy every one of the patterns on here and it still wouldn't be enough.

The first three on my 'to do' list are Wonderwoman, Batman and Catwoman - One of my best friends and her two kids would absolutely adore these. But I want them all!!

These photos have been taken directly from the website, so you can see just how wonderful these blankets are. I intend to buy every one of these patterns over time. And they don't just have superheroes, either. There's a great NES controller blanket, a 1950's Barbie pattern blanket, and of course, you couldn't have superheroes without having the villains to match.

This website has definitely just become a permanent feature on my 'watch' list.

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