Saturday 9 April 2016

I've been drawing again!

So, with no yarn to work on Sophie, and while I really should be working on Persian Tiles for my sister, I have dragged out my dusty old Wacom Bamboo, and tried some drawing.
I can't remember the last time I did any drawing - I used to draw all the time, but college, then uni and then work sapped all my time, and I haven't been able to draw in years....

However, I play World of Warcraft a lot, and in my guild there are a number of budding artists, and they were all sharing their Deviant Art pages, and comparing graphics tablets the other night (one of them recently bought a Cintiq - the envy is real....). And this has encouraged me to pull out my equipment and start drawing again.

This rather handsome fellow with the impressive mutton chops is Daegore, my troll Druid. He is the character I am currently levelling, though he is not my main character. I usually play a Tauren warrior.

I love this drawing at the moment, but I am struggling to marry my drawing style with digital art - It is a problem I have always had, but this drawing is the closest I have come to being happy with it. The one thing I don't like is that this drawing is too much like Blizzard's style. This is because I copied the character directly from my games character screen, so there's not much I can do about that. Once I get back into the swing of drawing, I am sure I will be able to make him my own. I always used to with Tig, my tauren.

Whether this drawing will ever be finished, I can't say. It's particularly large from where I sketch directly into the program and enlarge the canvas as I go, and I don't know how much time I will have to work on it. But for now, I am happy. :)

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